Djilla Korotoumou

Studies in Arts and Cultures Program, Université Abdou Moumouni, Niamey, November 2018

Where are you from?
I am from Sikasso (Mali)

Describe your object?
My object: my eyeglasses. They have plastic frames, they are black, slightly rectangular and slightly rounded, light and easy to wear. Both eyes are .0,5

Where is your object from?
I bought them by prescription at an optical store.

How is your object meaningful to you?
They have a particular meaning for me, because they protect my vision and correct it, they have become my trusty companions

How do you see yourself as an artist in your community?
To be an artist enables me to feel useful to society. To be able to reach the people via art and culture, and also to promote art and culture.

What is your hope for the future?
In the future, I hope to be able to help other artists out of the shadows, and to guide people to see artists and their art in a positive light.

D’où êtes-vous?
Je viens du Mali

Décrivez votre objet?
Mon objet est un inhalateur. Il a une forme courbée. C’est une boite dans laquelle se trouve un flacon de gaz.

D’ou vient votre objet?
Il vient de la pharmacie locale

Comment votre objet a-t-il un sens pour vous?
Il m’est signifiant parce qu’il est mon companion quotidien.

Comment vous voyez-vous comme artiste dans votre communauté?
Je me vois en tant qu’artiste qui apprend et qui fait son chemin.

Quel est votre espoir pour l’avenir ?
Dans le futur je voudrais être un journaliste culturel.